Monday, November 05, 2012

Monday gratitudes

I hope you all had a nice weekend!

My family and friends
A "girls day" with DD - see previous post
Clean laundry - who doesn't love the smell of clean laundry?
Bears win - Woo hoo!
Finishing a fun book
A beautiful fall day yesterday and a cheery walk - to the library
My blog readers and comments - I love your comments!
The encouragement I have received to keep writing - those of you who have cheered me on knowing or unknowingly - THANK YOU!!!!!!

I hope you have many things to be grateful for this week!


  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    That was a pretty amazing win yesterday, wasn't it!?
    We are definitely Super Bowl bound!!!

  2. What a fun date with DD. And I did so much laundry today. I love when it is all cleaned and put away!


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