Monday, July 28, 2014

The weekend was nice!

Happy Monday!!!!!  I hope you all had a nice weekend!
Mine was uneventful but productive.
Friday, the Mr. and Young Mr. went to Bears traning camp. Friday night - I scrubbed our bathrooms (the house smells like bleach...).
Saturday, I finished cleaning the house, pulled some weeds and did laundry. We went to the drive in on Saturday night - the weather was perfect (clear, mid 70s). The kids each got a Green River and Super Rope (the big drive in treats).  We saw
We liked both of them.
Both would get 3.5 stars from all of us.
Yesterday, none of us even got up until almost 9:30 (that's unheard of in our house). I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast and we lounged around most of the morning. Mr. and Young Mr. headed to work for a while in the afternoon while Lil Miss and I played outside and did some errands.
I made some headway on the blanket I'm test knitting
I think I like the color combination and it's an easy pattern to work. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Stay tuned for some exciting scrapbooking news.

Have a great Monday!


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend! I really loved Maleficent- I thought Angelina Jolie was fantastic!

  2. We saw the new planes movie last week! I can't wait to see Malificent, but might be awhile before we have a date night... I'm glad you guys had a good weekend!

  3. oooo love the smell of a clean house. So you were productive. Glad you had some fun.

  4. I love Maleficent, it was so good.

  5. Oh I haven't been to the drive-in in ages. How fun!

  6. How fun!! We loved Malicifent and seeing Planes this weekend!!!

  7. sounds like a good weekend! i had a pool party and did some shopping

  8. Ahh I haven't been to the drive-in in years! Making me feel nostalgic!


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