Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Travel Tuesday - Civil War Anniversary

I'm going to take a more historical note today.
Our family has gotten into the Civil War and its history in the past 7 or 8 years. We enjoy visiting sites and museums related to it. Some are big, some are small.
It is still the 150th anniversary period of the Civil War (through 2015).
site is an impressive website, with lots of information.
We are NOWHERE near completing the list of sites
(click here for the map: Civil War Discovery Trail)
but we have put a pretty good dent in it so far. We are going to try to daytrip to some of them more locally over the next year and a half.
Another good Civil War travel site is:
I truly believe that most of these sites are worth a visit. I'd love to hear if you visit one (or several) and what you think!

I am linking up with Bonnie Rose at A Compass Rose
What historical sites have you visited and enjoyed?


  1. We love anything historical! Living in NC gave us the chance to see some amazing sites.

  2. That's so lovely that you're family is so into history! It's a pretty cool thing to try and see all the sites, etc.

  3. Living in Atlanta, we are very rich in Civil War history. I live a stone's throw from Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. I've been to Andersonville Prison Site (a sad place), Chickamauga Battlefield, Pickett's Mill Battlefield, Fort McAllister, Fort Pulaski - just to name a few. I have ancestors that have fought on both sides of the war. Like your family, I have really started getting more and more interested in the Civil War. Maybe your next vacation should be to Georgia ! You could time it to when the Braves are playing the Cubs.

  4. When I was still a single Mama with Adam, him and I went to Fort Mott and Finn's Point in NJ ... for two reasons ... one, it's haunted :) two, that's where Andrew Cunanan committed a murder!!! I didn't see any ghosts, bummer!!!!! Here's the Wikipedia page about the place http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Mott_and_Finns_Point_National_Cemetery_District


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