Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Literary Junkies - July 2014

Our Literary Junkies July book discussion is The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton. The button to the right will direct you to the link up!

Now, for this month's questions and my answers:

1. What are you reading? Tell us about it!
Goodnight June by Sarah Jio.
June is left her aunt's bookstore, where she discovers a friendship between her Aunt Ruby and children's author Margaret Wise Brown. Many secrets are discovered as June decides what to do with the bookstore.

2. Do you find yourself reading more of a particular genre during the heat of summer? 
I tend to read more "fluff" and quick reads in the summer.

3. Who are your favorite book villains (either to love or to hate?)
Wow...tough question!
I guess I would say the Disney villains in the Kingdom Keepers book series. I think for obvious reasons...

4. If you could choose one author’s writing powers to harness, who would you choose and why?
Sarah Addison Allen! She tells a story that's so enchanting and believable. I have never been disappointed by her books.

5. Do you read one book at a time, or read multiple books at once?
I almost always have two books going at the same time.

6. What are some of your favorite non-fiction books? 
I enjoy biographies and memoirs and books about history. I should read more of them!

What are you reading? What is it about?

Have a great day!


  1. Goodnight June sounds really good! I definitely need to check that out. Great answers!

  2. Sadly I like trashy romance with fluffy stuff and a happy ending so I don't have to think much but can sit back and enjoy.

  3. I need some good books to read. I have been slacking.

  4. I love how you described your summer reading as fluff. :) Those are the type of books I like to read on the beach.

  5. I can only read one book at a time, and I always have book hangover afterwards!

  6. Are you liking Goodnight June? I've heard mixed reviews!

  7. I've never heard of Sarah Addison Allen - looking for her at the library. Thanks for the recommendation!

  8. Great answers! I am currently reading The Postmistress, so far so good. I find it hard to read in the summer!

  9. Goodnight June sounds like a fun book. I'll have to check it out!


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