Wednesday, May 17, 2017


I hope you are finding things to love this week. I sure am!

*A stack of library books to read
*Joe Maddon got his 1000th win - congratulations!

*It's graduation/prom season and I am loving all the pictures being shared

*Photo shoot bookings are coming in again

*The weather has been summer-like so far this week.

*Upcoming dance recital and orchestra concert for Young Miss

*Armchair traveling with friends

*A blogger I admire, saying she likes my blog

*Getting a little scrapbooking done the past couple of weeks and hoping to do more

What are you loving this week?


  1. I'm loving all of the graduation/prom photos as well!! It's such an exciting time for all of these kiddos.

  2. Facebook has a lot of graduation, prom, birthday and wedding celebration photos to see. A much nicer time than about 6 months ago.

    I've got a new dress and sandals for my grandson's graduation in Florida. Congrats Lane!

    Farmers are in the fields.

    Warmer weather.


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