Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Something I forget to do a lot! I need to have more FUN in my life! I spend a lot of hours a week working and am tired all the time. I just need to remember to laugh more.

I've been trying to do this more the past month and I do feel better, in general. Just a laugh, at something silly, something out of the ordinary. It's amazing what even a little giggle can do! :D

I've been trying to spend a little more time doing the fun things that I like - scrapbooking, reading, chatting with friends. I have been trying to go out to lunch once a month, to catch up with my hubby or a friend.

So, what do YOU do for fun? :) We all need a little in our lives...

By the way....the Cubs 1st spring training game is tomorrow!!!!!


  1. I am telling you, you ATTITUDE can totally make a difference in the way you feel!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I'm working on this myself, having left the kids for the first time on Saturday (both dh & I) and only having gone out by myself a handful of times... for a short period.

    Hope this goes welL!

  3. FUN is vital! I try to get some of it in every day -- a fun calendar with silly quotes, finger puppets, silly videos, laughing with my sweetie. It all works, for me!

  4. Good for you for adding more time for fun into your life, that is so important and I often forget to do that myself!


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