Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday blah, blah, blah

Grammy Night, last night. I don't get much out of the actual show. I usually just watch to see who's wearing what and who's with who.

I LOVED Fergie's dress when she performed, very classy! These two (Tim & Faith) looked great, as usual...

Alecia Keys - I LOVED the green! The design was very nice too.

Taylor Swift - loved lovely! Very appropriate for an 18 year old.

And Tina! WOW!!!! If I could have her energy at her age - whew! And yes, I know there is plastic surgery involved, but if I could look 1/2 as good as her, I'd be thrilled!


A quick digital layout I did yesterday....
I worked out yesterday! A miracle! I got on the treadmill for 1/2 hour and ran about 1/2 mile. Believe me, that is a miracle!
And yes, spring training opens on Wednesday!
Have a good Monday!


  1. Awesome!! Love the digital... and the pics from the grammys...

  2. Hey, Jen....Loved watching the grammys last night too. Great digi layout. WooHoo! for working out girl!

  3. I cannot believe that you worked out!!! I need to work out. I used to work out. I am actually sitting here missing working out!! You go girl!!!!


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