Friday, May 11, 2012

Drama ensues

I am surrounded by it!!!!!! 

But I classify drama into two categories - funny and not-funny.  Funny usually has to do with something crazy going on at home.  The not-funny is usually related to work something or other...

Not-funny:  Girl arguments at work and snide comments. Annoys me to death!!!!  Seriously, sometimes I wonder how old the people are that I work with.  My new motto:  I show up and shut up.

Funny:  DD sitting grumpy at the kitchen table on Tuesday morning and when I ask why she's grumpy, she says (with a VERY dramatic sigh...) "You don't love me anymore." (and turns her face away from me - seriously, this girl need to think about getting into acting!)
Oooooookay....I can't wait to hear this...  "Why don't I love you?"
"Well....IF you loved me, you wouldn't make me go to the dentist today."
Ahhhhh...the root of the problem.  "Well, I make you go to the dentist because I DO love you!"
She looked at me with a quizzical look and says "It doesn't seem like something you would do if you love me."
I sigh quietly, shake me head and give her a hug.
She did finally get over the grumpies and did GREAT at the dentist. (She even happily declared that she got to watch TV while they did her filling and impression)

May you have a drama-free weekend!
Thanks for stopping by - HUGS!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Unfortunately, I think everyone works in places where 'drama' rears it's ugly head. I've always thought it was easiest to just ignore it. If someone has a 'real' beef with me, they need to take it to management. If it's petty (and most of it is) ignoring usually works as the 'drama queens/kings' hate to be ignored and will usually move on. Hang in there.


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