Saturday, July 13, 2013

A trip to the ER

Yesterday morning was interesting....

DH calls me at work and says DS needs to go to the ER, he cut his thumb. Now my DH is all about band aid and duct tape fixes, soooo I know it must be pretty bad. So I head to the hospital to wIt for DS and my MIL to arrive. (DH had to stay at the job site because the front door was being replaced and he couldn't leave). Anyway, DS was cutting open a tube of caulk with a utility knife and it slipped.  He ended up taking off the tip of his thumb above the nail. It's a good cut and bled a lot!  No stitches, but he gets to wear this...
For at least a few days.

He's in good spirits and should make a full recovery.

And they wonder why I worry about them while they're working...


  1. Well this made my stomach flip. LOL! I'm glad he's OK!

  2. YIKES!! I hope it gets better soon!!

  3. Oh my gosh! Glad to see he's okay - but that's definitely scary!

  4. Oh my goodness. Glad he didn't take off the whole thumb!


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