Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Fun-Friday letters

Dear Friday,  Hello!

Dear Weekend, Please go slow! I don't have to work at all, and I want to enjoy it!!!

Dear Self, your weekend work retreat is next weekend. Rest up now! You know you can't seem to get much rest and tend to have a couple too many grown up drinks ever year....but remember to enjoy!

Dear Chicago Rush, let's have a win this weekend!

Dear Weather, this week has been beautiful. Let 's keep it up for a few more days, eh?

Dear Pinterest, I know we have been spending A LOT of time together this week. Let's make or organize something!

Dear Hammock and Tree, I hope we can get together Sunday.

Dear Cubbies, please beat the Cards this series!

Dear Blog Writers, I have found some new to me blogs the past week and it's been fun. Keep posting my fellow bloggers!

Dear Blog Readers, thank you all for stopping by. I appreciate your comments and love.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


  1. You always have such creative blog posts, Jen. Enjoyed this one. :) Have a great weekend!

  2. This is a creative one:) Hope you get some hammock time this weekend!


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