Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Since it is the last day of July (gasp!) and in an effort to keep some good thoughs/positive ideas going - I have decided to start a new blog post "series". 
This week, a few things I am thankful for are:
* My husband
No one can make me laugh like him. He reminds me (intentionally or not) to have fun and not take things so seriously. He encourages me to pursue my dreams and take the little steps that will get me there.
* My kids
These two constantly make me smile. They're always giggling or seem to be plotting something. It warms my heart to see what good friends they are.
* My jobs
I know I am very blessed to have a job (let alone 2)! And as a bonus, it's a job I love! I feel passionate about my full time job. My part time job is enjoyable also and helps us have some extra money to do fun things.
* My blog readers/followers/commenters
It means a lot to me to know that you're reading this blog. I love the "love" you leave.
* Fellow bloggers.
You keep me entertained with your travels; photos; jokes; stories; DIYs and blog posts. Keep 'em coming!
Unseasonably mild summer weather
This summer has been FANTASTIC!!! We have had SO few hot days - the sun has been shining (most days) and the average temp this summer has been in the upper 70s. I'll take it!
* Flowers.
Because of the nice weather, my flowers are looking great! The front of our house is colorful and full - I love driving up to it each day - it's a wonderful way to end a workday.
* Email and text.
I have been getting lots of emails from friends I haven't caught up with in a long time. Texts from my mom always brighten my day (who else understands the agony the Cubs keep inflicting!).
What are you thankful for?
I am thinking about making this a weekly link up - any interest?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Travel Tuesday - Civil War Anniversary

I'm going to take a more historical note today.
Our family has gotten into the Civil War and its history in the past 7 or 8 years. We enjoy visiting sites and museums related to it. Some are big, some are small.
It is still the 150th anniversary period of the Civil War (through 2015).
site is an impressive website, with lots of information.
We are NOWHERE near completing the list of sites
(click here for the map: Civil War Discovery Trail)
but we have put a pretty good dent in it so far. We are going to try to daytrip to some of them more locally over the next year and a half.
Another good Civil War travel site is:
I truly believe that most of these sites are worth a visit. I'd love to hear if you visit one (or several) and what you think!

I am linking up with Bonnie Rose at A Compass Rose
What historical sites have you visited and enjoyed?

Monday, July 28, 2014

The weekend was nice!

Happy Monday!!!!!  I hope you all had a nice weekend!
Mine was uneventful but productive.
Friday, the Mr. and Young Mr. went to Bears traning camp. Friday night - I scrubbed our bathrooms (the house smells like bleach...).
Saturday, I finished cleaning the house, pulled some weeds and did laundry. We went to the drive in on Saturday night - the weather was perfect (clear, mid 70s). The kids each got a Green River and Super Rope (the big drive in treats).  We saw
We liked both of them.
Both would get 3.5 stars from all of us.
Yesterday, none of us even got up until almost 9:30 (that's unheard of in our house). I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast and we lounged around most of the morning. Mr. and Young Mr. headed to work for a while in the afternoon while Lil Miss and I played outside and did some errands.
I made some headway on the blanket I'm test knitting
I think I like the color combination and it's an easy pattern to work. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Stay tuned for some exciting scrapbooking news.

Have a great Monday!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Happy Sunday again!

I know I have been absent this week, I'm sorry! I have been working on a couple projects. 

I finished this square for my crochet-along.

I am just starting to knit this blanket test pattern.

Which will be perfect to do while I watch the MLB Hall of Fame induction, today.
Congratulations to the inductees.

I am linking up with the Social Sunday link up again.

Have a great day!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Happy Sunday

Good morning! I hope your weekend is going well! Ours has been nice and I'll recap it this week.

This week, I am linking up with the Sunday Social Media Link Up for the first time. Feel free to pop over to Grapefruit Princess  and link up your social media.

Feel free to follow me on Instagram and Bloglovin

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Book review

Goodnight June by Sarah Jio
Genre: Fiction

4 out of 5 stars

Publisher's synopsis:

Goodnight Moon is an adored childhood classic, but its real origins are lost to history. In Goodnight June,Sarah Jio offers a suspenseful and heartfelt take on how the "great green room" might have come to be.

June Andersen is professionally successful, but her personal life is marred by unhappiness. Unexpectedly, she is called to settle her great-aunt Ruby’s estate and determine the fate of Bluebird Books, the children’s bookstore Ruby founded in the 1940s. Amidst the store’s papers, June stumbles upon letters between her great-aunt and the late Margaret Wise Brown—and steps into the pages of American literature.

My thoughts:
Thanks to Net Galley for providing this book!

Ms. Jio has written another amazing book! I love how the story is told with letters June finds between her Aunt Ruby and Margaret Wise Brown.

Clever writing, fun story and wonderful characters.
Thanks to Net Galley for providing this book!

Ms. Jio has written another amazing book! I love how the story is told with letters June finds between her Aunt Ruby and Margaret Wise Brown.

Clever writing, fun story and wonderful characters.

Wordless Wednesday

Hawaii, 2007
From the top of Diamondhead

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Literary Junkies - July 2014

Our Literary Junkies July book discussion is The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton. The button to the right will direct you to the link up!

Now, for this month's questions and my answers:

1. What are you reading? Tell us about it!
Goodnight June by Sarah Jio.
June is left her aunt's bookstore, where she discovers a friendship between her Aunt Ruby and children's author Margaret Wise Brown. Many secrets are discovered as June decides what to do with the bookstore.

2. Do you find yourself reading more of a particular genre during the heat of summer? 
I tend to read more "fluff" and quick reads in the summer.

3. Who are your favorite book villains (either to love or to hate?)
Wow...tough question!
I guess I would say the Disney villains in the Kingdom Keepers book series. I think for obvious reasons...

4. If you could choose one author’s writing powers to harness, who would you choose and why?
Sarah Addison Allen! She tells a story that's so enchanting and believable. I have never been disappointed by her books.

5. Do you read one book at a time, or read multiple books at once?
I almost always have two books going at the same time.

6. What are some of your favorite non-fiction books? 
I enjoy biographies and memoirs and books about history. I should read more of them!

What are you reading? What is it about?

Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Please stand by...

I am going to take a little hiatus from blogging, it won't be for long! I just need a little time to catch my breath and get some projects done.

I will try to stop by and blog visit.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Tales from the Library, Bathroom Edition

That's right "Tales" fans - it's time for another edition.
Today's edition is brought to you by....Cat Woman.  Yes, you read that right!
I had to work on Sunday afternoon and was the closer. When you are the closer, you are responsible for picking up; straightening shelves; checking bathrooms; etc.
After closing time, I knocked and entered the men's room. No one and I checked the stall, there stashed behind the toilet was a book. UGH - really?!  So I get a paper towel, pick it up -
it's Cat Woman (like the Marvel comic book character).
Double UGH! So I finish closing, put on gloves, wipe the book cover with alcohol, scrub my hands.
Of course, I tell the Mr. about it when I get home and he thinks it's hilarious! Then points out, you know...some guys... STOP!!!!! (insert full body shiver)
I tell you - there is never a dull moment there.