Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A little faith

I have felt there is a lot of sad news and bad news out there lately. This video helped restore a little of my faith in the world.
I have been enjoying Matt Nathanson's music for quite a while. (I hope to catch a show someday...)
His newest song "Headphones" is great! I loved it as soon as I heard it. Then... I saw the video -
Having been down this road with Little Miss, I think I cried through most of the video.
I know what an amazing thing it is to be able to hear things or have your loved one hear things they've never heard before!
THEN, I found this behind-the-scenes video and I was in need of a tissue again
Thank you Mr. Nathanson and the Starkey Foundation for all you do!


  1. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Such an AMAZING story! Thank you for sharing it, Jen. It does restore some hope and faith in the world. I am humbled by his giving spirit!

    I didn't realize the story hit so close to home.

    Love you! Lauren


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