Wednesday, April 01, 2015


Hey there, hi there, ho there! Happy Wednesday!  It's time to link up with Jodi and Rachel for
What I'm Loving Wednesday!

1. I had a nice birthday yesterday. My Mr. got me a new lens for my camera.
2. Taking photos last Saturday for confirmation in the church I grew up in. It was an honor to be part of a special day for those young ladies and gentlemen.
3. A long weekend for me ahead!!!
4. Spring-like weather.
5. Baseball! (Cubbies for me; our link up hosts, Jodi is a Red Sox Fan and Rachel is a Rangers fan - check out their blogs...PLEASE!!!)
6. Getting to know some fellow bloggers.
7. Older photos. I had a blast last weekend going through some photos from 4-8 years ago. Oh how my family has grown up!

8. Instagram. I love seeing and sharing snippits of life. I'm over there as cubsfan3410.

9. My blog readers. Thank you for your comments and emails. I love hearing from you!
What are you loving this week?


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Happy Birthday! Yay for a new lens!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope it was wonderful! I'm so excited for baseball to start up again!

  3. Happy belated Birthday dear friend!!!! :)

  4. Happy late birthday!! Thanks for linking up! And I'm so ready for baseball!! :-)

  5. Happy birthday!!! YAY for a new lens!!!!!!!!!!!


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