Thursday, June 09, 2016

WILW - on Thursday

Day late...again!  Please go check out Rachel's blog and friends. Also - PLEASE feel free to link up with her. We would love to grow our "What I'm Loving Wednesday" family.

This week:
*I bought Micah's new book, Dropped Third Strike this week. I have to finish a couple books I am currently reading but am SUPER excited to read it!

*A "dedicated to mom" picture from my Little Miss!

*Awesome weather this week for parking lot lunches

*These pieces of truth!

*Natural beauty!

*Finding a new place to eat
(and it was DELICIOUS!)

*Finding this amazing mural while walking around

*My Cubs are doing AWESOME!!!!

*Finishing editing this event - I'm happy with how they turned out!

*New photo shoots being planned and getting excited about them.

I hope your week is going well! What are YOU loving this week?


  1. There is nothing quite like nice weather! I love just sitting outside and soaking it all in.

  2. That mural is incredible!

  3. I love parking lot lunches! I just had one today. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I just realized I never commented last week!! EEK! So sorry! Love all the baseball stuff! And you will LOVE Micah's book!! :)


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