Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Well, blogging hasn't been a big priority to me thus far this summer - I keep thinking I will get back into it, but.... Sorry! I hope all my blogging friends are doing well.

I'm linking up with Rachel for another What I'm Loving Wednesday. We'd love to have more people join this weekly link up.

This week is a lot of randomness of what I'm loving:
*I started reading Dropped Third Strike yesterday and would rather be home reading all day than doing anything else - it's that good so far! And make sure you check out the author's blog Micah's blog.

*Having ice cream for lunch


*This girl's photo shoot

*My kids' sarcasm


*Photo challenges

*44 days to the Rio Olympics

*Armchair traveling with my social media friends

What are YOU loving this week?


  1. Now I want some ice cream haha!

  2. That sarcastic picture is so me when that happens! Lol! I LOVED Dropped Third Strike. I can't wait to hear your review of it! :) Yeah for baseball!! Less than two months until I get to see a Cubs game at Wrigley!

  3. I need to do a good photo challenge. The last one I did was for Thanksgiving/Christmas - #MyHolidaySpark. I need to find a fun one like that again.


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