Saturday, August 16, 2008


You know, just when I ALMOST forget what it's like to be a teenager. I see a teenager do something that makes me remember.
Laughing with my friends about a stupid joke.
Giggling about some boy.
Thinking how "terrible" life was sometimes. (If I'd only known...)
Worrying about what to wear and if my hair looked ok.

Ahhhh....yes. Then I see my DS and his friends and see the teenage lifestyle from the "other" side. Boys! Oh, how different they are from teenage girls! Yes, I know they get all googly eyed over some girl and har har with their friends, but the drama is just not there. And I'm SO thankful! Because that, in about 8 years, I WILL have to deal with....

For now, I will just settle for my teenage girl memories and watch from the sidelines as DS goes through his teenage years.


  1. They're so cute ... so much energy & dramatic tension over things that we think are so trivial. Ah, we were all there, once! :D

  2. Isn't it funny how the issues are so different? Cesar is sooo much a teenager, it's not even funny. But I dread Coco's teenage years... God have mercy on me (and her!)


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