Sunday, March 06, 2011

Sunday, Sunday

I have the house to myself for a few hours - HOORAY!!!! It's a treat. I'm working on editing some pictures right now (ok, not RIGHT now...) and going to do some scrapbooking in a bit. Then I fully intend to turn on the Cubs (Woo hoo!) and take a nap.

What's new? Let's see....
DS was named to the all conference choir, so he will perform with the other conference nominees on Tuesday night. He's excited about that (as well he should be)!

DD was sick last week but is feeling better now - thank goodness!

I have been doing a lot of crocheting and reading the last couple of weeks and other than that, not a whole lot else.

I set up a blog for some of my photos and am hoping I can get a few photo shoots out of it this year. IF you are so inclined - you can take a look here: Jen Mc Photos. Thanks!

Looking forward to a week with more snow melting - I heard birds when I woke up this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Love the photos on your photo blog and hope many others will discover it.


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