Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Not the good, I'm excited wow! More like the what were you thinking WOW!

I walked by a church on Saturday (beautiful day for a wedding, BTW) and their photographer was standing outside waiting for them to come out in - ready for this?! - jeans, t-shirt and muddy tennies. REALLY?! This is the professional image you want to give these people's wedding guests? I'm not saying you have to wear a suit but khaki pants, loafers, a nice button up shirt...

Then as I drive home from work last night (after 9) in the rain - I ALMOST hit a dog that was in the middle of the street. I didn't even see him until I was almost on top of him. Oh - and his owner - standing on the sidewalk. And the owner gives ME a glare. Ahhhh - sir...where is his leash and why are you letting him stand in the middle of the street? MORON!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Some days you just shake your head.


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