Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, Day 3

Day 3 of Knitting & Crochet Blog Week 2011 - I can't believe I've 'kept up' so far... Tidy mind, tidy stitches. How do you keep your yarn wrangling organised? Well, to honestly answer this question - I would have to say...there is NO organization! I buy yarn as needed for projects. Then the 'ends' are stuffed in a big bag under my bed. Seriously.... It's not pretty! As for my needles and hooks - yeah, they're in the same bag. One of these days, I'm going to clean out 'my' cabinet in the basement so there's a shelf for my yarn. Maybe that will be another goal for this year. PS: There is no picture because my mom reads my blog and she would be mortified if she saw the mess my yarn is. Love you mom!


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Ha Ha! I doubt that I would be mortified! I'm in the process of cleaning out my closets this week so I'm pretty sure it would NOT shock me. The only thing that shocks me is finding stuff I thought I already got rid of. sigh

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM

    LOL my mom would be kinda disappointed to if she saw my craft corner XD

  3. Sneaky hiding place. Unfortunately, the Hubbo keeps his junk under the bed.


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