Monday, September 19, 2011

Post #665

WOW!!!!!! That's a lot of posts. Thank you all who stop by to 'visit' and leave comments. I love them!

DD went to a poms camp at the end of August that our local HS puts on every year. They performed at a Saturday morning football game a few weeks ago. Yes, it's Justin Bieber... :)
A couple of notes: You might want to turn the volume down a seems to default to LOUD! The actual perfomance starts about the 1:30 mark.
She is the blond with the dark tinted glasses on.

PS: For those of you who know the 'diva' well...I was told after she watched it that at the beginning (sorry about all the wiggling around) I didn't have the camera on her the WHOLE time!!!!!


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Congrats on post number 665! Can't wait to see what the next 665 will be like. : )
    Loved the video and Sara and her companions did a great job. Will they be performing at an actual game this year?


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