Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A smile on my face

and a skip in my step.

That's what a nice compliment does for me today. A client called in with a couple of questions and as I waiting for the computer to cooperate with me so I could answer them and chit chatting (it is getting to be harvest time...). He said "When they told me S (the lady I was hired to 'replace') was leaving (this has been 4+ years ago) I didn't think they would ever find anyone to replace her but you have done a fantastic job. I really enjoy working with you." And knowing how long S had been here and the the clients LOVED her, I take that as a great compliment.

With a slight blush I thanked him. I always feel kind of weird accepting compliments for doing my job, BUT it is always nice to hear now & then that you are doing your job the way you think you are.

Thank you for the unexpected compliment.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    That was nice! Obviously, you give a lot of yourself within your job and it pays off.


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