Monday, October 24, 2011

To marriage...

My husband asked me the other day what I wanted to do for our anniversary, since it is a 'big one' (ie: a 5 year mark). I looked at him and asked him, "How long have we been married?" (Yeah - you know I had to test him).
I think he knew right away he didn't have the right number of years. "15?"
"Sorry, it will be 14, we got married in '97".
He thought for a minute and shrugged. Then I heard him mumble "Man it feels like LOTS longer!" I looked at him, smiled and agreed.

One of my sets of grandparents (yes - I am fortunate to have 2 sets of living grandparents) had an open house yesterday to celebrate 60 years of marriage and 80 years of each of them being on this earth. I think those are VERY impressive milestones! My other set of grandparents has been married for 64 years.

I have come to learn that if anyone says their marriage is 'perfect' - they are LYING!!! No one has the perfect marriage. There are always rough spots and times where you fight. You will disagree from time to time (and that's ok!), that's what happens where there are two people with two opinions.

I appreciate the fact that marriage is a fragile thing. You have to treat it with care, love and support. So even if you don't know EXACTLY how many years you've been married, if you remember the DAY of your anniversary (which my hubby has never forgotten...) - then I don't think there's any reason to get upset.

Wow - I just rambled on about nothing... Amazing how I can do that!


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    This was a cool post Jen!


  2. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I agree.


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