Monday, April 22, 2013

Gratitudes & More

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a nice weekend.
This week I have been grateful for:
*My husband and his strength & support
*My kids for their sense of humor
*My parents and siblings for their humor & support
*A "trashy" book
*Modern medicine
*My blog readers, your comments cheer me

Weekend recap:
Friday night was relatively quiet.
Saturday, DD & I went to Chicago to attend a couple of plays - THE FROG PRINCE CONTINUED and THE CAT IN THE HAT. They were put on by Emerald City Theatre Group. Both were lots of fun and fantastic productions.  Saturday evening, we went to some friends' for a couple of hours to visit and play with the "baby" (she's almost 2...).
Yesterday, we headed to the zoo. We were there for a few hours. It was a little chilly but not very crowded. We enjoyed ourselves.  We came home, napped then met some friends for dinner. It was great to catch up with them!

Apparently, I live with the 9 year old version of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.... She & I stopped for a snack on our way home on Saturday and I explained to her that would have to have surgery and would have to rest for a few days afterward.  I was SO afraid she was going to freak out when we told her but all she did was give me a hug and say "I thought you had looked pale." I just smiled and shook my head.  I think the Lord can work in strange ways sometimes - she was a reminder that when I think the worst, that things will be ok and I have support in places I don't expect it.

Have a great day & week!


  1. What a sweet girl! Sounds like a nice fun weekend!

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Were the plays as good as the others you've seen? I've recommended that place to others for their mother/daughter outings.

    Glad she took it well and we're all here for you.

  3. Sounds like a super fun weekend! Your dd is such a sweetheart and she sounds so grown up! Cute comparison :)


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