Tuesday, April 09, 2013


I can't believe it's only Tuesday...it's been a long week already!


On a more pleasant note, the boots I ordered came in yesterday. I LOVE THEM!  I've never had a pair of cowboy boots before.

How's your week going?


  1. Well now it's Wednesday and it sure feels like a long week! I think that's awesome that you got cowboy boots! Did I tell you my dd is wearing cowboy boots at her wedding and so are her bridesmaids? I can't wait to show pics on my blog after May 25th.

  2. I feel ya! This week is DRAGGING. Love that pin ;)

  3. This has been a long week, even Cullen asked me today if it was Friday yet!

  4. We need a picture of the boots!

  5. You will love having cowgirl boots! I wear them with everything - dresses, shorts, jeans. Enjoy them! :o)

  6. my week has felt like this, too!! I am so glad it's Friday, and it's (almost) over with, so I can get to the fun stuff!
    (and I'm almost embarrassed to say it, but I have a pair of cowboy boots that my BF got me years ago-- I wanted them sooo bad-- but now that I have them, I'm sort of 'afraid' to wear them! although they are comfortable. Let me know how you like yours!)


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