Thursday, April 04, 2013

It's OK!

Linking up with Amber today.

It's ok....

...that I have gotten no scrapping done

...that my house is a disaster piss people off now and then

...that I ordered myself something on my birthday panic a little when I have several palpitations in a cluster

...that I haven't known what I'm in the mood to read for a couple of weeks rock out to New Kids and NSync on Pandora look forward to stopping at the secondhand store

...that Friday can't come soon enough.

What's ok with you?   Have a great day!


  1. I heard New Kids' new song the other night at dinner and I fell in love with it, like I was back when growing up. Yay for bands like that!

    Stopping by from Its OK Thursday!

  2. it's going to be a long day today, so I'm glad to read that 'it's okay to piss people off' because I'll probably be doing some of that today!! ;)

    (and my house is always a disaster, so that BETTER be okay, lol!!)

    ...last but not least, buying yourself stuff on your birthday is PERFECTLY okay!

  3. Buying yourself something on your birthday is always OK in my book. :)

  4. HA! I love that you say it's ok to piss people off once in awhile! That's my favorite on this list!

  5. I love shopping at secondhand stores! That's definitely something to get excited about! :o)

    Lately I've been re-reading a lot of books I read for my Women's Lit class in college, like The Bluest Eye and The Women of Brewster Place. I had forgotten how great those books were. You should read Unless by Carol Shields. I read that one in college and still adore it.


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