Saturday, June 01, 2013

Summer break is almost here

Wow! I can't believe it's June already! I hope your summer is starting off well.  DD is almost out of school....

Make sure you check with your local library for their summer reading program.  If they don't have one (shame on them...), check with your local book seller.

**My goal is to read at least 8 books before August 31.**
(I will attempt to review them here, also.)

My other summer goals:
**Blog twice a week
**Keep my flowers alive and the weeds pulled
**Exercise at least 4 times a week
**Scrapbook 15 layouts
**Finish the two projects on my knitting needles (scarf; doll skirt)

What are your summer goals?


  1. Great summer goals.I should writes some down this is a great idea.

  2. Good luck with your summer goals! Might need to do some for me :)

  3. Goals are such a good idea and I think you've got some really good ones here! Good luck with your summer goals :)

  4. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I noticed you have an Anytime Fitness near you. Membership is only $10 a month. :)

  5. Great goals, I love the reading programs for kids!

  6. Those are pretty good goals - I need to set some summer goals myself.


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