Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Tourists 2013-Commanders in Chief, Civil Rights & 'Cue

(I had to struggle to come up with a clever title for this year's trip...)  Thoughts?

We are back from out 10 day road trip to Kansas City and through Arkansas. We saw, drove and learned a lot and came home with two new van windows (story to come). We all got along well (seriously, I think this is the first trip in a long time where there wasn't a blowup or meltdown)! And I lost count of how many National Lampoon's Vacation references were made...

The weather was pretty good - we have a couple of rainy days and one (ok, two) really scary storms.

Details and photos to come...


  1. Glad everyone got along so well! :)

  2. So glad you had a nice vacation - looking forward to seeing photos and hearing about the van windows

  3. Glad that road trip went well!!!

  4. You got along well and still ended up with two broken windows? ;o)

    You went to my sister's part of the country! Her and her husband live in Kansas City!

  5. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Can't wait to see some of those photos! Glad the trip was a lot of fun.


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