Sunday, March 30, 2014

A good day!

As I start my 40th year today (3/31), it's also MLB Opening Day!

The Cubs are in Pittsburgh.

This year is also the 100th birthday of Wrigley Field.

Our weekend went fast but it was nice.
I worked on Saturday.
Sunday, we laid around until about 11. We had a quick lunch, went to play disc golf and take a walk (it was 55 & sunny!!!!). Mr. took us out for my birthday dinner (since I work all day on my birthday) to Ruby Tuesday. My dinner and margarita were delicious!

How was your weekend?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Friday Fun, an interview

On an idea from my mom (thanks mom!), I decided to interview my Little Miss about their classroom embryology project they just completed.
So, without further ado, my interview with Little Miss.

How many chick eggs did your class have?

How long did it take for the eggs to hatch?
20 days

How long were the chicks in your classroom?
2 days - we had spring break

How many chicks hatched?

Tell me 3 things you learned about embryology.
1. The different parts of the egg
2. How warm the egg needs to be kept
3. How long it takes for chicks to hatch

What were the chicks named? How did they get their names?
Patrick Kane and Bryan Bickell (Chickell)
They are Blackhawks players

I hope you learned a little bit from this interview.

I am open to suggestions for interview topics/people.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I'm having writer's block and life is sort of hum drum right now.

I'll be back soon!

Friday, March 21, 2014


Is it just me or has it been a reeeeeaaaaaally long week? I am so glad it's Friday!

My NCAA bracket is not looking real good after yesterday.
It's a good thing we aren't big betters in our company!

We are headed to a hockey game tomorrow; I hope to get some crafting done; I hope to try out a new recipe this weekend; and watch the rest of the snow melt!

What are your weekend plans? Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My moment of glory!

Take this - Chicago Fire!

I got a mention on a podcast. Let me preface this by saying - if you are not listening to the Satellite Sisters podcast - you are missing out!  They are HILARIOUS!

I am mentioned in about the last 7 minutes of THIS PODCAST.  Seriously, check out their website here: Satellite Sisters. You can also find them on Facebook.

And to boot - in the past week...I have won: a scrapbook paper pad; two rolls of foam tape AND a book. Maybe I should head to the boat with $20 and see what happens...

I hope your week is going well - tomorrow's Friday!

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Share your Thoughts...Please!

Ok blogging friends...I am curious to know your thoughts on blogging networks.

I'm not talking about Bloglovin, Google+, etc - although they are fantastic networks! I'm talking about local, regional, particular interest kind of networks. I am on the fence about joining one (pretty locally) and would love to hear your thoughts - good, bad, indifferent, whatever.

If you don't want to post them here, feel free to send me an email via my profile, or leave a comment to email you.

Thank you in advance for sharing!


I forgot how "stressful" it is to pick your NCAA bracket. I have debated for two days. I won't get into specifics of how I pick but it's nothing scientific or mathmatical!

This is the only "gambling" I do all year and it's a $5 donation to the winner.

Do you pick a bracket? Will you pick one this year?

(I'll post my bracket in a few days)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Thank you!

First of all...
Thank you all for your kind words on yesterday's post. You made me blush!
How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun?
Ours wasn't terribly exciting: I worked on Saturday at the library, then got groceries (I know - exciting, right?!).  Yesterday was a pretty mellow day. I helped Little Miss with her extra credit project (I feel so knowledgeable on chick development); went to Ulta to enjoy a couple of 21 Days of Beauty specials; took a nap; scrapped and read a little.
Fourthly... (is that a word?)
I am hoping for a productive, uneventful week.
Wishing you all a wonderful Monday!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Scrapping challenge accepted

 KELLY and HEATHER at Two Midwest Girls have given another challenge. This time, it's a sketch challenge! I had a GREAT time doing this one.  Join in all!

Here's the sketch:

Here's my interpretation:

Happy scrapping!

Friday, March 14, 2014


I wanted to share a few of my favorite blogs to visit.
I hope you'll stop by and say hi to them too!

The Artsy Cajun
Elle Sees
Love Peace & Understanding
Sunny in London
Sassy in Sequins

Visit any of the blogs in my sidebar and I'm sure you will enjoy them!

What are some of your favorite blogs?
Are you part of a blogger network? If so, are you glad you joined?
What are your weekend plans?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring is coming!

Believe it or not, friends - spring is coming!

It's been a long, long winter here in Illinois! BUT - the calendar says it will be in 9 days. The baseball calendar says it will be in 18 days.
(And I am not fooled - this will be another bad year for the Cubs as they "rebuild" yet again...)
I have gotten 3 seed and plant catalogs in the mail in the last week (that's got my mind thinking spring!). The birds are chirping in the mornings - the temps are slightly warmer during the day and the snow is starting to melt. I want to believe that under that snow, the crocus are out and the tulips and daffodils are thinking about coming out.
What are your favorite things about spring?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Scrap your Stash

Looking for a scrapbooking challenge this month? Jump in over at SCRAP YOUR STASH.

Here is my March "kit"
Come on, dig through your stash and join in.

I can't wait to make some layouts from this kit.

What are you scrapping? 
What crafty projects do you going?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Weekend recap

Hi friends and readers!
Here we are at Monday again. I hope you all have a nice weekend.

 We took an extended weekend. My Mr. needed to be away from work for a few days as he's been so busy! So, when our friends asked if we wanted to come watch their daughter (and our goddaughter) play in the Wisconsin state hockey tournament for their league, we decided-YES! Off to Sheboygan we went!

We drove up Thursday evening and checked in. Friday morning, Mr. and Young Mr. took the Kohler factory tour. They both loved it! (No cameras or phones allowed!)

Friday afternoon, we all went to see
Very cute and full of puns!
4 stars from us

We met our friends for dinner when they got in town and enjoyed catching up with them!

Saturday began hockey!
My Little Miss visiting Miss A in the locker room pre-game.

Little Miss gave her a pep talk before Sunday's game..
Play hard and skate fast. 
There you go!

Three games in two days brought Miss A and her teammates 3rd place!!! Soooo excited for all of them!

Post tourney picture

And the final bracket

We had a nice weekend!

What did you do?

Friday, March 07, 2014

Friday Fun - The Oscars

So we watched the Oscars last Sunday night.
There was really only one thing that stood out (besides Ellen cracking me up all night) - that was Pink's performance and dress.  Whooo!!!!!  LOVED it! She had me crying.
I really loved Ellen running out on stage in the Glinda dress after that.
And the pizza guy? Soooo - funny!
What were your favorite Oscar moments?

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Time out

I am currently dealing with a cold that's kicking my butt. I am going to be MIA for a few days - just don't have the energy.

I'll be back visiting your blogs soon.

Take care!

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Scrapping excitement, part 2

WOW!!!! I am featured on another blog

Hop over and join in their color challenge!

Thanks Kelly and Heather!