Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A parenting W-T-H

I may get myself in trouble with some readers with this post but I am going to/need to vent here! I have wrestled with myself about posting this, but have decided that I will.

The past week has been a little rough for Little Miss at school. (I am SO glad this school year is almost over!)

Last week, her classmates were asking her if she wore diapers and called her Diaper Baby for a day. Yesterday, she attempted to make a couple new friends but they told her that they wouldn't be friends with her because she's gay. They had seen her hug one of her friends, so that meant she was. I told her that those girls weren't worth being friends with and to hug her friend if she wanted to.

WOW! Really?!  We're going to start with this already, in 4th grade?!

As any parent knows, we all fear our kids being picked on/not liked/teased/etc. As any parent with a special needs child knows, our fears are doubled - as a special need seems to put an extra target on a child to their peers. We have tried to raise Little Miss to remember that she is who she is and if people can not accept her, then they aren't worth her worry.

I really expected we were going to have to deal with teasing in junior high, but I was not/am not mentally prepared to deal with this already.

Praying for a calmer rest of the week for her.


  1. I'm sorry. I was bullied and picked on a lot in grade school, too, and it was awful. Anyone different is going to be pushed around. Please tell Little Miss that she's special and that we are on her side!

  2. :( Just awful!

  3. That is so awful. Kids can be so mean to each other and I think girls are even worse than boys about teasing and such.

    I remember when I was young, a girl in my class was constantly teased for looking different - she was outcasted and had no friends. I wasn't mean to her but didn't reach out to her either because I didn't want to be teased for being friends with her.

    In the 8th grade, we had a class together and she still would get nasty comments and such. One day she and I struck up a conversation and I found out that when she was 6 years old, she was hit by a car and dragged for several feet - had several operations, including skin grafs - horrible! She didn't want me to tell anyone because she thought they would tease her more. I thought it would make them more understanding. The sad thing is, she was probably right :(

    I'm sorry your little one was picked upon in that way but you gave her great advise - be yourself and don't worry about the others think, her true friends will be there for her.

  4. I am so sorry that this has happened to her ... sadly it seems to be getting worse for all kids ... Adam was called A-DUMB when he was growing up ... and Brookie with her skin disorder has been teased more times than not ... they even make fun of her two different colored eyes ... it is just heartbreaking :(

  5. This is terrible, I'm so sorry she has to go through this :( I'm a little shocked that it has started so young!

    Sending her hugs xx

  6. Oh this is just so frustrating! I am sorry that she is dealing with meanies. Unfortunately, it is a fact of life that there are going to be be people (kids and adults) who pick on others. I also tell my kids to just walk away. But it's hard at school.

  7. Aww! Bless her heart. I was picked on in school for having a big nose. My kids were so fortunate to have a "No Tolerance" bullying act at the schools in our city and when a girl picked on my Jenn (1990)on her way home from school, she got suspended for her first offense if she ever bullied anyone else, she would have been expelled. It extends beyond just the school parameter-it's on the way to school and on the way home. Kids should feel school is their haven, they're there more than at home! My heart aches for her. I could go on and on-I'm sorry.

  8. I don't know how any reader could ever take this the wrong way! It breaks my heart that your daughter is being mistreated. Some kids are just awful, maybe not always out of meanness, but definitely ignorance.

    I'm sure it's just as hard on you as it is her. We hate to see our kids being picked on and bullied. Have you spoken with the school? Maybe there is something they can do to nip this in the bud so she doesn't have to endure it any longer. Poor little dear. Please give her a great big hug from us!


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