Monday, July 25, 2016


Here we are at Monday again. How do the weekends go so fast?! Here's to a good week to all.

I took this snap at 4:30 yesterday. It pretty much sums up the weather all weekend - hot, humid and pretty tropical!

Friday: Little Miss finished a week of orchestra camp with a concert. I just got to pop in for a little listen. My mom got to see the whole thing. They sounded great and I think she had a really good time!
I got some knitting done on Friday night
Little Miss & I ran some errands while Mr. and Young Mr. were helping a friend build bunkbeds for their daughters.
We all went to the matinee of Secret Life of Pets
We all thought it was cute!

Here's the trailer:
Another thunderstorm rolled through Saturday night so I settled in with a book and may or may not have snoozed a little in the chair

A pretty uneventful day.  Caught up on laundry then worked at the library in the afternoon.

And here we go with another work week.

Wishing you a great week!


  1. I love that Little Miss was in orchestra camp. I really believe that music is a great thing for someone to learn & love. Good for her! :)

  2. She plays the violin! How wonderful! I think music is so important. Sounds like you had a nice weekend.


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