Wednesday, July 20, 2016

What I'm Loving Wednesday

*My husband - for his caring, understanding and love
*My kids - for their silly emails & texts
*My Cubbies are getting back on track
*A long weekend away with my hubby (post to come...)
*My parents for hosting our kids so they could visit with their cousins
*A couple good books I read in the last week
*Photo shoot inquiries

What are you loving this week?


  1. Sounds like a great week so far!!!!!!

  2. Have an amazing Wednesday! :)

  3. Thank you for linking up! :) I first read this last night when I was super tired and thought you said you were loving a weekend away FROM your hubby. LOL! :)

    Glad your Cubs are coming around, wish my Rangers would remember how to play baseball.

    Thank you for all the book suggestions on GoodReads, I love them! :)


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