Sunday, September 03, 2006

For Love of the Game

I read the book several years ago, but FINALLY saw the movie this afternoon. Oh, my, word! I had a revalation....
A) I LOVE Kevin Costner, ok, 80s and 90s Kevin Costner.
B) (this is the revelation part) The scene when he is coming back from his hand injury hit home REALLY hard and I sat and bawled. I didn't feel so alone. I was SO ashamed last year of how things were here after DH lost his thumb. He quit his job and sat around for 7 months. I didn't hate him but I didn't really like him a lot, either. I saw a lot of the same things in Costner's character at that moment, that my DH went through. I guess it wasn't unusual what he went through.
C) Now that I have bored you with that. I want to say - I loved the movie. I don't remember much of the book but if it's as good or better than the movie, I better check it out again.


  1. So amazing how those things that do not kill us, make us stronger. So good that your dh's accident didn't kill the marriage, but made it so much stronger!

  2. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Tough times are tough--and if you came through intact, then you are a one in a million! Congratulate yourself for that!


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