Sunday, September 10, 2006

Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?

It's what country singer, Alan Jackson asked in his song after September 11, 2001. I will NEVER forget where I was!

I was driving to work when the news of the first plane came on the radio. As I pulled in and parked my car, the second plane hit. As soon as I walked in the door, about 4 pairs of hands grabbed me and pulled me to the TV. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!!!!!

Unfortunately, there was a meeting scheduled in the room where the only TV was, so we huddled around this little radio someone had in the lobby and listened as all the events unfolded. It was so surreal!!!!!

There were no customers that day but headquarters wouldn't let us leave. (I still have the e-mails they sent out.)

When I got home that night, it was all that we could find on TV. I finally cried when my DS told me good night and said he loved me. Watching the footage over and over of the people running, was just so unbelieveable to me.

After 3 days of watching the news all night, I couldn't take it anymore. I meant no disrespect to any of the victims, but it was just too much. I remember sitting in our bedroom and watching the funniest movie I could think of and laughing my head off. I think it was a release for me because I felt a little better the next day.

I will never forget those victims or their loved ones. God bless you all! God bless all our fire fighters, police officers and medical personnel. And we should never forget our service people serving our great country!


  1. It surely is one of those moments we all will remember where we were--our principal came on the PA and announced her code to look up the emergency plan in the staff handbooks. I asked the teacher in the next room what on earth and she said, "The WTC just blew up. It's gone."

    Definitely a day that changed how our world operates.

  2. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I will never forget one detail..I was glued to the tv in disbelief and my BIL was here , he is a marine. That was a whole new DH had to drive him back with no flights allowed to NC to see him off a few weeks later to be afghanastan. Chilling. I will never forget.

  3. Anonymous6:15 PM

    wonderful post jen. it is amazing that we all still remember everything in such detail.

  4. I remember every detail of the moment it actually hit me what was going on-seeing the news casts and all the people. such a sad and hard day that I will never be able to forget.

  5. oh, Jenn, what a post! I'll never forget, being at Daley Plaza, downtown Chicago, seeing people running, the trains were so packed, just chaos. And a horrible, horrible reality that was beyond what I could understand. I came home to watch the new, Brian and I couldn't mutter a word. We just sat, and hugged each other, and cried.


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