Saturday, March 08, 2008

ARRRGH Mateys!

Yes, that's right - I FINALLY watched the 1st Pirates movie last week. Ok, ok - I know I'm WAY behind in my movie watching.... I thoroughly enjoyed the movie!!!!! Great action with the right amount of comic relief. I've never been a Johnny Depp fan (GASP!) but I truly enjoyed him as Jack Sparrow - excuse me, CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow. And can I just say....Orlando Bloom can come rescue me ANYTIME!!!! WHOO!!!!!


  1. Johnny Depp is my favorite!!! I haven't been to your blog inawhile....for some reason your blog address off of my blog wasn't working and I couldn't remember it. So, I saw it on Kazan's blog and jumped on. I will have to see what the deal is.........Its been great stopping by and checking in on what's going on in your world.

  2. So funny but I was also not a huge fan of his and after all the Pirate movies I think he is brilliant. I tagged you on my blog - go and check it out when you have a moment ok.


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