Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Thursday!

Happy 1st day of spring! (I thought I would mix in some Easter funnies today to get you in the mood....)

The irony, we're under a winter storm watch through tomorrow. We've had enough snow, we've had enough winter! Let's move on already! PLUS - my daffodils are coming up - please don't kill them AGAIN this year!!!! Come on Mother Nature - look at the calendar, be kind!
My sister is AWESOME!!! As a thank you for the help for her wedding, she sent me a GC for our local yarn store. WOO HOO!!!! The push I need to pick up my crochet hooks again and maybe learn to knit. Thank you!!!!!

How was your St. Patty's Day? VERY uneventful here - worked all day... Just wore my green. :D

I think DD has finally started to catch up with the time change. (And WHY do we have to do that????) It was almost 2 weeks of pure hell at bedtime. She's mad because it's still light out so she won't go to sleep, then she's playing around until 9:30 or 10 and then is UNBEARABLE in the morning! The last couple of nights (knock on wood) have been MUCH better!

{steps up on her soap box and taps the microphone} AHEM! Attention dog owners!!!!! I am glad you love your pets and take them out for exercise. HOWEVER, I do not appreciate you letting your dog poo in my yard and leaving it. If I wanted to clean up dog poo, I would have one of my own. CLEAN UP YOUR CRAP!!!!!!!!! Thank you... {stepping down} Sorry....

American Idol note: David Cook ROCKS!!!! I hope he wins it all!!!!!
I hope you have a great rest of the week. I will try to check in over the weekend with some pictures or something "equally" exciting!
And of course, my FAVORITE Easter cartoon:


  1. LOL!!! I love your cartoons Jen!! They definitely made me laugh! Thanks for that! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your kind comment!! Good luck with the blog candy!!!! :) hugs!

  2. ove the bunny cartoon and I have 2 dogs and we have a backyard they use so they don't use lawns that is a pet peeve of mine too

  3. OK the chocolate bunny cartoon is being sent via email to the rest of the world. It is too good not to share :)

  4. LMAO at the chocolate bunny one so cute tfs,

  5. I LOVE those cartoons (especially the last one!! ha ha!)

    I also love David Cook!!! He and Jason Castro are my faves, by far!!!

    I am also SO glad that Spring is here!!!

  6. Hi, Jen! Enjoying the "spring" weather? Seriously! I'm making an official request for pictures of the new haircut... :)


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