Thursday, March 13, 2008

TAG and update!

Hello, hello!!!!! I unearthed the computer and thought I would check in real quick. I am SO ready for the basement to be done already! UGH!!!!! It's been 2 weeks and I'm losing my mind.... I'm sorry I haven't been blog visiting much...

What's new? Ok... The Cubs are STINKING up spring training this year! (5 - 10 record right now...) Man! I hope that means they'll have a GREAT regular season!

Spring is finally coming! I saw robins TWICE last weekend. YEA!!!!!!! It is supposed to be sunny and 50 today. I might just have to go out for some air at lunch today. Oh, and the daffodils are starting to peek out!

I have scrapped or done ANYTHING crafty in a couple of weeks and am starting to get the shakes. :D I might have to dig out a scrapbook project or start a sewing project this weekend. I can't take it anymore....

In the spirit of F-U-N! I sat down and colored with DD the other day. It was a lot more fun than I remembered.

What else????

OH! One of my photos was selected to be "published" on a Chicago travel website. I am very excited about that!

Other than that, it's been battling the remodeling dust and work for us. I hope you are all doing well!


Kazan (Hi, sweetie!),, tagged me with 7 random facts about you. So, here we go!

1. I am the oldest of 5 children.
2. I grew up on a farm.
3. I was a single mom for 4 years.
4. I was engaged once before I met my husband.
5. I wanted to be a sportscaster when I finished high school.
6. I HATED the color pink until I had my daughter.
7. I hope to actually finish the book I started writing someday. :)

I tag:

1. Suzanne
2. Marie
3. Andie
4. Yvie
5. Holly
6. Amanda
7. Jana

Have a great rest of the week and weekend! (I hope to post over the weekend, BUT we'll see how things go!)

PS: DD helped pick out a couple of the new "tunes" that play (hence, Lilo & Stitch)


  1. So much fun to learn more about you :) What are you writing about? How amazing to have that talent to write a book. That is awesome AND where can we see that picture of yours that is on a Chicago travel website - direct us to it or the link!!!!! Huge Congrats on that too.

  2. Thanks for the tag...I played along on my blog!

    I also HATED pink before I had girls! haha Now I quite like it!

    Have a great week! (ya, we want to know about this book!)

  3. Thanks for the tag! I'll do it today and be sure to link you there. We're taking our boys over to Phoenix next week for the Cubs training camp, we'll be going to the game on tuesday!

  4. Birds are chirping ... bulb flowers are bursting out of the ground ... yup, spring is coming!

    I'll have to work on this tag ... I think I've done it so many times I'm running out of new "random" things about me! LOL!

  5. Thanks for the tag...Congrats on your photos being published.


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