Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday post #2 - scraps!

And of course, instead of actually getting more scrapping done - here I sit....

I would also like to encourage my scrapbooking/stamping readers to visit my other blog....
  • Challenge U 2
  • Thanks!

    Go, Huskies, Go!

    The red & black are back!

    Sadly however, our Huskies lost to Minnesota last night. They gave it a good fight - since DH & DS had counted the game as "over" at the mid-point of the 3rd quarter. They only lost by 4. They gave it a great try and were ahead at one point that I was watching.

    Hope you're having a great weekend - we're off to a family picnic today.

    Saturday, August 30, 2008

    A book!

    One of my library co-workers wrote this and I hope to give her a little more publicity. I hope you'll check it out!

    (sorry - this whole adding a link thing just seems to be beyond me - copy & paste the link please...)

    Have a great weekend!

    Friday, August 29, 2008

    Friday 2 Peas Challenge & a little commentary of my own

    Words that inspire me....

    This is a great one!

    To name a few that inspire my creativity:


    Thanks, Sherry - this was wonderful and very inpsiring! :-D


    Scrapbooking - I used to ask myself WHY I did it. A couple of years ago, I desparately wanted to be on a design team or be published. I realized it was causing me to lose my focus. So, I stepped back from it for a while.
    I have been scrapbooking now, because I LOVE it! It is a creative release for me. I scrapbook for my family. I scrapbook because I want to share the joy of it with others and hope they enjoy it as much as I do.

    On that note, there is a new challenge posted over at my scrapping blog:
  • I hope you'll stop by and play along! (the link is in the list on the right) ------------>


    Have a GREAT weekend! It's a holiday weekend and we'll be busy but I'll try to check in.

    Tuesday, August 26, 2008

    2 Peas Blog Challenge

    The blog challenge for today is: Why is creativity so important?

    Creativity is important to me because it's a stress releaver. I love to forget about work and life for a while, while I scrap or write or knit or whatever.

    And if we didn't have some creativity and art in this world, it would be a BORING place! :) I am so grateful that there are people out there with talents - singing, dancing, painting, etc, etc.

    I think EVERYONE is creative is some way!

    Have a SUPER day!

    Oh....and on another note - the Cubs are 31 (yes, that's THIRTY ONE) games over .500!

    Sunday, August 24, 2008

    Our Saturday

    DD &I went down to the end of our block to cheer on the runners in the 10K yesterday. Mile 5 sits right at the end of our block, so they have just about a 1 1/2 miles left. We're sitting there clapping and encouraging them - most of them would wave and say thank you. One lady looked at me and said "Aw, shut up!" Oooookay.... I thought the lady sitting across the street was going to fall off the curb laughing.

    On to enjoy the rest of the festival today - hope the weather is decent.

    Friday, August 22, 2008


    I am truly enjoying the Olympics. I have had a good time watching the good ole USA win many times over. I find it exciting to watch all these amazing men and women - their physique, their ability - just astounds me! I hope I'm not the only one who will admit this, I've shed a few tears watching them too. The "struggle" that some of these athletes go through to get there or something goes wrong during their event. UGH! NBC did a closing "comments" the other night on some of the "little" stories - and the German superweight lifter that won the gold and held his wife's picture during the medal ceremony was touching, then of course good old Bob says "She had started a savings account last year to come to these games with her husband but was killed in an auto accident last year." Thank you, Bob - turn on the waterworks!
    I have to say, in a way, I am glad they are ending on Sunday because I don't think I can take another week of staying up until 11 or 11:30 to watch them every night. I hope when they are in London in 2012 that the time thing will be a little easier...
    While I was outside tonight with DD, I realized how much our neighborhood must have Olympic fever. There were a lot of kids out playing and I heard many cries of "He wins the gold medal" and "Now it's time for track and field". I had to giggle - it was fun!

    Ok - just taking a scrap/Olympic break - back to it!
    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Wednesday, August 20, 2008


    I got some scrapping done this weekend!

    Saturday, August 16, 2008


    You know, just when I ALMOST forget what it's like to be a teenager. I see a teenager do something that makes me remember.
    Laughing with my friends about a stupid joke.
    Giggling about some boy.
    Thinking how "terrible" life was sometimes. (If I'd only known...)
    Worrying about what to wear and if my hair looked ok.

    Ahhhh....yes. Then I see my DS and his friends and see the teenage lifestyle from the "other" side. Boys! Oh, how different they are from teenage girls! Yes, I know they get all googly eyed over some girl and har har with their friends, but the drama is just not there. And I'm SO thankful! Because that, in about 8 years, I WILL have to deal with....

    For now, I will just settle for my teenage girl memories and watch from the sidelines as DS goes through his teenage years.

    Thursday, August 14, 2008

    It's ALMOST Friday!


    There's a new challenge on my Challenge U 2 blog (see link to the right) from Tuesday and there will be another one tomorrow. I hope you scrappers will join in the fun.

    My sister came to visit Tuesday night. It's always great to see her. We did some knitting, visited, watched the Olympics. I finished my scarf. :)

    Other than that, not much else is new and "exciting". I am hosting a crop this Sunday, so hopefully there will be more scraps to share next week.

    Hope you're all having a good week!

    Sunday, August 10, 2008

    Happy Sunday

    I hope you're all having a great weekend. The weather here has been MAGNIFICENT!!!!! Sunny, lower 80s.

    DD & I went for a bike ride to the park this morning then biked to where DH & DS are working today to have lunch with them. I think we went about 6 miles, altogether. Whew....

    The Olympics are in full swing and we are having a lot of fun watching them. Go USA!!!!!!

    I have started another blog for those who are interested in scrapbooking challenges: Challenge U 2 I hope you'll stop by and participate! The link is also at the right --------> (under You Can Find Me....)

    I did get some scrapping done as mentioned before....

    I am heading outside soak up some sun and do a little reading. Have a great Sunday!

    Saturday, August 09, 2008

    It's Saturday!

    I went to a crop last night and actually got some scrapping done! (I swear I get ADD at those things - wandering around, looking at what others are doing, shopping...) I got to use a Cricut for the 1st time - oh, man - now I REALLY want one!!! Anyway, I will try to get some pictures of the layouts I got done and get them posted soon!!!!!!!!

    Yesterday, marked the 20 year anniversary of lights at Wrigley Field. (for those of you who store useless bits of crap) And TODAY - marks the 20 year anniversary of the 1st OFFICIAL night game at Wrigley Field.

    What have you been reading this summer? I have gotten lots of reading done and hope to get a few more books read this month - you can check out my good reads list with the link to the right. If you're on good reads - let me know!

    I have been posting a weekly challenge at 2 Peas every week for the past few weeks, but don't seem to be getting many takers, so if you are in the mood for a scrapbook challenge - check this out....

    Hopefully the weather will hold out and DD & I can head to the park shortly to play for a while before work.

    And just a little photo for the day, our kiddos on the 4th of July:
    Have a great weekend!

    Wednesday, August 06, 2008

    Late as usual....

    This kid.....

    turned 15 on Sunday. He had a overnight party with his buddies. They seemed to have a good time and stayed fed.

    Another year, and he'll be driving.....

    Sunday, August 03, 2008

    Thank you Emily!

    What a nice surprise. In the midst of moving madness I checked in on my blog to find this award...
    I was nominated by whose blog I always look forward to reading!
    The rules for this award are:
    The winner can put the log on his/her blog.
    Link to the person you received your award from.
    Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
    Put links to those blogs on yours.
    Leave a message on the blogs of the people you nominated.
    So...I nominate (in no particular order):
    I hope you'll check out their blogs and share the love.