Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's coming....

Yes, it is...and I can't stop it.

DS's 1st date. He has a date for Homecoming this weekend. I am trying to be cool and calm. We went and got his clothes and shoes tonight - he should be one good looking guy. Does that worry me? YES!!!!!!!! She's older and she drives.

(Deep breath....)

Okay, sorry! I have a few more days to pull myself together and act like a "normal" mom.

These are things that make me appreciate what my parents did - with 5 of us!!!! Lordy! How did they listen to us talk about our crushes and dates and not lose their minds? (or did they...)


  1. OMG! I am SO not ready for this aspect of my kids' lives. Sarah will be in high school next year. Good luck, Mom! Take lots of pictures, because that is what a 'normal' mom would do. Right?

  2. That is nerve wracking! Good luck holding it all together!

  3. Too funny! It's going to be ok- try not to follow them and hide in brushes. :)

  4. Aww, poor Jen. Try not to think about it too much. This is when you remind yourself on a good job so far. ;) At least I think that's what you are supposed to do. Sheesh, what do I know!

  5. Wow...I can't imagine. I still have years to go before that stage, but everyone says it will fly by. Good luck!!

  6. Anonymous7:39 AM

    At the time it's a lot more traumatic than looking back on it. You and Lee will survive and Ryan will have a great time at the dance. Besides, who says we didn't lose our minds? LOL


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