Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Please explain (a rambling my Jen)

the OBSESSION with Facebook and Twitter. I don't get it!

I have a blog and that's all people really need to know, right? Is it too much that I think sharing every move of your day is too much information?

Sorry - I don't understand the obsession. If someone/anyone can explain it - I'd LOVE to hear it! :)


  1. This is just how I use them. Blog to give the long version. Facebook is mainly with people I know in real life. Twitter I use to pick up info and tweet links and other short things that don't warrant a full post.

  2. Ok - great explanation - thank you! :)

  3. same as Melissa, except I won't/don't twitter

    not interested in constant updates...ya know.

  4. Um- I don't Twitter. I totally and absolutely REFUSE to tweet. It sounds ridonkulous and I just can't do that. FB...ok- I do that. :)


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