Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday gratitudes

I'm looking to start the week on a positive note! Here is what I'm grateful for this morning...

*My family
*A roof over my head & food on my table
*A gorgeous weekend
*A little time to scrapbook & write this past weekend
*Time with my husband & kids
*A short work week
*Reading a good book on the deck in the sun
*An author asking if I would like to review her book (gives me a thrill!)
*All the wonderful blog visitors and posts (THANK YOU!!!!!!)

Have a fantastic week!


  1. Great list. We should always remember to be grateful!

  2. Such a great list and great way to start out the week :)

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Good start to the week. We should always be grateful for what we have and hopeful for those who don't.


  4. Thanks for stopping by today~you have a great list~so true!!!


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