Saturday, August 31, 2013

Our 20 seconds of fame....

Remember this post  and this post?

Well, we rented it, just to see it.  In our opinion, it was terrible (as in I would give it 1 star...)!!! We had heard from people who had seen it when it played in our area that it was bad,! It's a dark story, the editing it awful (it had the feel of a high school film class project), some of the acting is pretty bad, too.

The best parts for us were seeing places we knew and seeing the characters wearing shirts and hats from local businesses.  Oh, and did I mention....our house and garage are in it for 20 seconds?
Yeah, that was cool! 
I have to say, our house looked really nice.

If you see it, prepare yourself for tractors, sex, race cars, sex, violence, get it.

Happy last day of August - enjoy your weekend!


  1. Bummer the movie sucked ... but hey, your house was in it!! So that's cool! :)

  2. Well, at least your home and community is famous! LOL! Have a fun weekend.

  3. interesting-sounding movie... sort of, anyway! That is cool that your house made it into the movie!


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