Friday, August 02, 2013

Sentimental Mom

This post is about my kids!

Lately, I find myself amazed at how pretty great my kids are - if I do say so myself. 

I always worry about them - their safety, their well being and what they want from life (and if that life will be kind in return). I hope they will grow up to be respectful, polite, caring adults. 
I am also amazed that despite their age difference (10 years), that they are such good friends and get along really well (most of the time)! There is a bond between them that I wish all siblings knew. DS adores his little sister and has since the day she joined our family. DD looks up to her big brother and wants to be like him in so many ways. They joke around and laugh together (there so many 'inside jokes' between them...). They pick each other up when it's needed, with not much more than a hug. They're both naturally peace makers, so they don't fight (too much).

Like any parent, I hope that their relationship stays that way for all their lives.


  1. My kids have a 10 year gap too! LOVING the photos!!!!

  2. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I think they've learned to be great siblings from their Mom. She is a great sibling to her brothers and sisters.

  3. Great photos, so nice they have such a great relationship :)

  4. It's a wonderful bond they share, just like my grand-kids!

  5. It sounds like a great bond:) I had a 8 and 10 year gap between myself and my younger brother and sister too


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