Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Fun

Welcome to Friday!!! 
Is it just me or has this week been a long one? Today's post is a lot of randomness.

Thank you to all of you who read, comment on and follow my blog. I love hearing from you!

I hope you'll have time to do something with your yarn today.

Here's a taste of my Instagram lately...

I had a small touch with fame this week. 
2 of the guys from Chicago Fire replied to my tweets.
Joe Minoso plays Joe Cruz

and Randy Flagler plays Capp

in reference to this photo....
(I know...not a big deal but a small thrill for me)

If you want to follow me on Instagram or Twitter, I'm cubsfan3410.

If you want to check out some awesome and entertaining writing, my brother has a writing gig here: Hooniverse

Another of my brothers can be found here: P Rood Illustration. He has artwork and books for sale.

What are your weekend plans?


  1. very very very cool they responded to your tweets!!!!!

  2. So cool that they responded! I'm still trying to figure out this whole twitter thing!

  3. LOVE your hair! So cute! :)


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I love to hear from you.