Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday letters

I haven't done one of these posts in a while, so...

Dear Friday,
Dear Powers that Be,
Thank you for being with my FIL through his procedure and thank you for the encouraging news!
Dear Mother Nature/Phil the Groundhog,
SNOW!!!???? W-T-H! Give it up - we want some spring here.

Dear Cubbies,
Let's get our act together here and pull out some wins!!!!!

Dear Blackhawks,
Some W's for you over the next week would be great.
Dear Pinterest,
Why must you be so addicting? I lose all track of time when I start snooping around.
Dear Blog Readers,
Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement the past couple of weeks. It is truly appreciated.
Dear Weekend,
Please go slow!
Dear Stack of Books,
I hope to get to you this weekend.
Dear Dust & Dirt in the Corners of our House,
I'm coming for you this weekend!

Wishing you all a wonderful Friday and weekend!


  1. Yes, please weekend go VERY slow!

  2. These are great !

    I can't believe y'all had more snow - what the heck ?!?!?

    Hope your Cubs start doing better - the Braves need to get it together too.

  3. I hope you have an awesome and slow weekend. :)

  4. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I'd like to say I'm 'coming for the dirt in the corners' this weekend but probably not! LOL

    Enjoy your weekend and your letters were great!

  5. You can have our weather ... Spring is only a week here ... we are over 100 degrees today! Yay ... not ;)

  6. Love this! Great post idea, might have to steal :) Happy Monday xx


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