Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Literary Junkies - May, 2014

It's that time of month again. This month, the Literary Junkies are discussing Where'd You Go Bernadette tonight.  (PS: my Twitter handle is @cubsfan3410)

You can read all the link up answers by using the button to the right.

1. What are you currently reading? Tell us about it!
I'm listening to Ladies' Night by Mary Kay Andrews. I am currently reading a rough draft of an author friend's new book.

2. Do you judge a book by its cover? What cover elements make you not want to pick up a book?
I am a cover judger. I like something bright or eye catching on the spine.

3. Do you participate in any other bookish link-ups? Tell us about them so we can join next time!
Nope, Literary Junkies is it

4. Have you ever watched a movie that was better than its book version? Explain yourself!
I can't say that any movie I have seen has been better than the book.

5. Summer is here! Do you read more often during any particular season?
I think I read more in the winter. I like to be outside doing things outside.

6. What is the worst book you've read this year? Why?

What are you reading?


  1. I don't think I've read a bad book this year either. A couple I've had a hard time getting in to, but I usually enjoy them by the end.

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I've read a book or two this year that wasn't very good but can't remember the titles so can't warn you all! LOL

    I just finished reading 'You Only Die Twice' by Christopher Smith. It is a VERY scary book but the action keeps you moving through it.


  3. I totally judge covers too!! :)

  4. I judge covers. I will not read anything that looks boring. It has to be pretty. haha

  5. I need new books to read.

  6. I just started a book called The Glass Kitchen. Got it from netgalley.

  7. So you've read only good books this year? Lucky you. I've had at least three that were bombs, which is more than usual.

  8. I'm the same about reading more in the winter. Summer just seems to be so busy!

  9. That's so awesome that you're reading a rough draft of a book for a friend! I've always wanted to write a book. I am definitely guilty of judging books by their covers too. One movie that I watched that I liked better than the book is Lord of the Rings. I just thought the book was kind of boring - not my type.

    I love connecting with fellow book lovers, and I wanted to share a swap that I put together for bookworms like you! It's an easy way to make friends and discover new books. I would love for you to join! -- http://www.endlessblissblog.com/2014/05/summerbookswap.html

  10. I'm a cover judger too!!
    Totally agree with you on number four! xx

  11. I just finished Where'd You Go, Bernadette last night! I loved the whole book up until the very last section with the letter. I wanted a bit more closure, I think. Especially with Elgie and Soo-Lin.

    Also, there was an inconsistency - there was a writing pad found on the cruise ship where a letter had been written from Bernadette to Bee and the pages torn off, but Bernadette didn't write that letter until she was in her second location, so there's no way that pad could have been found on the cruise ship and analyzed!

  12. I struggled to think of a movie that was better than the book. I always get such high expectations from books I love and then the films aren't anywhere near as good!

  13. I guess that's a good sign that you couldn't think of a worst book you read! Unfortunately I've read quite a few books this year that I disliked, but I've read way more that I loved.


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