Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Travel Tuesday

Happy Travel Tuesday!  Today I am linking up with A Compass Rose. Stop by her blog for some amazing travel posts.

Today I am going to share the Bridges of Madison County, Iowa (near Winterset)
We drove out to Madison County in April, 2008. There is a driving "tour" of the bridges and a couple of the movie sites. (Unfortunately, there has been a lot of vandelism at some of these sites)
You can visit the website here: Madison County Iowa

 This is the Roseman Covered Bridge - make sure you stop by the gift shop next to the bridge! (Also prominently featured in the movie)

A bridge interior:
Take some time, take the drive and see the other sites around Winterset, Iowa.
John Wayne's birthplace is there, as is the "home" of Fons & Porter (for all you quilting fans).
Happy Trails!


  1. Pretty! I've never seen anything like that before.

  2. That is sad that people have vandalized some of them :(

  3. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Is that a day trip or would we need a weekend?

  4. Wow what a neat bridge!


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