Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Time for another "Loving Wednesday" link up with Jodi and Rachel.

1. Little Miss will be 11 tomorrow! She's excited that her age will be 2 - 1's.

2. The Mr. and I saw this on Sunday. It was GREAT - action; humor; Samuel L. Jackson.

3. I LOVE this podcast! 5 sisters - randomness discussed and LOTS of laughter!
4. Loving my Tuesday night TV again. Chicago Fire was starting to get a little dull for me but they have redeemed themselves the past few weeks.
5. 2 more days until I see Miranda in concert! SUPER excited!!!
What are YOU loving?


  1. I LOVE Chicago Fire! I really think the show is improving each season. I've seen Miranda in concert only once, but she did a great job. Have fun! Thanks for linking up!


  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Yay I'm glad Kingsman was as good as it seemed in the previews.

    Happy early Birthday to Little Miss!

  3. Happy Birthday to Missy!!! Have fun!!!

  4. #5 sounds very exciting! have a great time and hope you get some good pics to share.

  5. I want to see that movie, glad to know it's good! :)

  6. Happy Birthday to your daughter!!! I love Chicago Fire. Can't believe "Kelly" is engaged to Lady Gaga!

  7. YAY for birthday's!!!!!!!!!

  8. Oooh - I really want to see Kingsman - glad to hear it is good. Have fun at Miranda!!


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