Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I must remember...

it is January in the midwest! :) It has been cold! Although, warmer than this past weekend was. We got almost 6 more inches of snow last night. While it's pretty (at first), there are too many people who forget how to drive in it every time we get some. You live here, people - you know how to do this! Oh, well - someday I will see the grass green up, the temps rise and flowers again.

DD had her 1st swimming lesson last night. According to DH, she LOVED it and was quite upset when it was over. That's a good thing, I guess.

DS starts his swimming unit in gym this week and he is less than thrilled. He's all whiny about the pool being gross by 8th hour, blah, blah, blah... Take a shower afterward then!

Work is going well. We're very busy so my days fly by (a lot of times with the help of chatting with my friend, Andie - thanks!). I have a co-worker who is a real pain and seriously needs a talking to. She acts like she's 5 most of the time. Whines and pouts when things don't go her way, but don't try to help her do something because she SNAPS and will rip you a new one! It's nuts! I just try to keep my distance and do my stuff.

Sunday night, I did get on the treadmill for 1/2 hour and painted my nails after I showered - I can't remember the last time I did that.

No new scrappings to share today. I have a couple of cards and layouts in process (doesn't that sound technical?) that hopefully I can finish tonight.

Hope you all have a great day!


  1. Yikes...try and stay away from that co-worker!
    I completely understand about snow bringing out the worst in drivers. It doesn't snow a lot here so, when we do get some accumulation, it's a nightmare!

  2. Hiya Jen ... long time no chat hun, so sorry for that. I would love to see a little snow here - I know, not nice when you have to drive in it, but looks pretty and great scrapping material LOL

    I remember when Carly was learning to swim - she hated it - and now you'd never know, she's litke a little fish LOL

    Good to hear from you and hope you work colleague lightens up!


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