Thursday, January 17, 2008


I did it - I did it!

I walked the treadmill for 20 minutes yesterday and did Pilates this morning. 2 days in a row....! I know there are lots of people who work out everyday and I'm jealous of their commitment. I said at the beginning of the year, I wanted to work out at least 3 days a week. It took me a couple of weeks to get going, but here I go... Yes, I am looking for encouragement and questions of whether I worked out...

DS got his braces put on yesterday. He looks good and will look even better when his teeth are all straightened.

It sounds like the bitter cold is coming this weekend - can't say I'm real excited about that. The snow is here today.

I hope you & yours are doing well and I will try to blog a little more often...


  1. Two days in a row is great! Keep it up, even if you can only fit in 10 minutes here and there, just get it in!
    I am taking my vitamin, sporatically (just took it now that you reminded me, thanks!). I'm hoping if I get to be consistent with it that it will help with the fatigue. I always have lower energy in the winter but, this is too much!


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