Thursday, May 21, 2015

I FINALLY figured it out...

I have cared so little to sit down and scrapbook in the past few months. It's been hard for me - I love it, I just haven't felt like doing it.

I'm starting to get "the itch" again. I've been reading some scrappy blogs and websites lately. I think it's getting my mojo going. I want to go to a crop but haven't had time. One of these days...

I miss Two Peas! That was my "go to" for inspiration and chattiness. It seems like so many other scrapping sites/message boards/stores are closing - it's sad to me!

Do you belong to any on-line scrapping communities? Which ones?  Do you know of any on-line crops coming up?

Happy scrapping, my friends!


  1. I would love to learn how to really scrapbook!

    1. Jen, you totally could do it!!!

  2. I miss 2peas too and didn't find a community like this one.
    Hope you mojo will flow soon...

  3. I too miss Two Peas. I switched to Project Life back in 2012 and I really miss scrapping just a page here and there. I do plan on incorporating some single pages in my albums though.
    I have found some super supportive groups on Facebook and I mostly belong to PL and Smashbooks/Art Journals but there are a few good ones for scrapbooking. Look for smaller groups like Scrapbook Gals. Then there's Scrapbook Coach for beginners for your friend Jen :)

  4. Jen, do you remember the Calendar Girls from Two Peas? Well they have a group on Facebook called "The Chatty Scrappers". Please come join. Then there's another one to help with mojo, Scrapbooking 24/7. 😊

  5. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I used to belong to two groups and both are not caput! I also followed the blog at Simple Scrapbooks and that went bye-bye at the beginning of the year. Evidently, I'm not cut out for groups - I become attached to the members and when they dissolve I'm left alone again. sigh. Guess that's why I'm a blog follower - lots of good ones out there.


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